Sunday 22 April 2018

Matt Lewis Law - Social Media & Your Workers’ Compensation Case

If you’re online right now reading this blog post, chances are you have at least one social media account. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and a host of other sites are loaded with people who post updates about their daily activities, feelings and whereabouts. Have you ever taken a moment to consider how your posts on these sites can affect your workers’ compensation case?

I started thinking about this a week or so ago when I got an email from Professor Gregory Duhl of the William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, indicating that he is publishing a paper on social networking evidence in Workers’ Compensation Litigation. Insurance companies are using information found on Facebook and these other social sites against injured workers. It makes sense…for years insurance carriers have been hiring private investigators to follow injured workers around to see what they are doing when the doctors have taken them off work.

If you are off work due to a work injury, what do your Facebook posts say about your functional abilities? If you posted about going to the Friday night football game, does that say something about whether or not you could go to work?
The day is coming when insurance companies will start getting a subpoena for the social media pages of injured workers. So beware, and watch what you post. Even things that seem innocent can be used against you. For instance, if you are off work due to carpal tunnel syndrome, it might not be a good idea to post about what you cooked for dinner. If you have a low back injury keeping you from performing your job, don’t post that beautiful picture of you standing up holding your granddaughter. Expect someone to be looking, searching for a reason to deny your benefits. And if you think you have blocked those that aren’t your “friends” from seeing your page, just know that a subpoena can break through that barrier.

Although not a story of innocence, check out what happened to Alexis Muniz of New York. She was collecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits after telling the insurance company that she could not work. After posting on Facebook about her job as an apartment complex manager, she was charged with and convicted of committing fraud for collecting workers’ comp benefits while working and lying to the insurance company.

Be smart about what you post on social websites. Even though your family has to eat regardless of your injury, and children have to be held regardless of your injury, those without compassion will attempt to turn that innocence into evil.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Texas Workers’ Compensation Claims & Car Wreck Injuries

On The Job Car Wreck: File Both A Texas Workers’ Compensation Claim & A Personal Injury Case 

Car Wreck Injury

 An injured employee called because he had been in a car wreck driving from his workplace to a client’s office where he was going to repair some electrical issues. On the way to his client’s office, another driver ran a red light and hit his car broadside. He wanted me to handle his car wreck case and get a recovery from the other driver’s insurance company. So, he wanted to pursue a personal injury claim for his Car Wreck Injuries.

Texas Workers’ Compensation Injury

That same day, a reader of this blog came in to meet with me at my office because of a dispute of his Texas workers’ compensation claim. He had been driving from his office to a client’s office to discuss a sales contract that he had been negotiating for several months when he was hit by a driver that pulled straight out from a side road into his car. He wanted to pursue a Texas workers’ compensation claim.

Car Wreck Injuries Can Be Both Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation Claims In Texas

The point is that you can have both a Workers’ Compensation case and a personal injury case when you’ve been involved in an on the job car wreck. These two gentlemen were both pursuing only one of their claims, but they were both eligible to pursue a Texas workers’ comp claim and a personal injury claim against the driver of the car that hit them.

If you’ve been involved in an on the job car wreck, make sure to seek advice about both claims. You will want to hire an attorney that handles both claims because there is some very confusing and difficult situations that arise when two different insurance companies are making payment for one accident. While there are many attorneys that handle car wrecks, only a few handle workers’ compensation too. Because of the issues that arise when both insurance companies are making payment, you will definitely want an attorney that knows not only the personal injury side of a case, but especially the ins and outs of a workers’ comp claim.

Sunday 18 February 2018

What Happens At The Social Security Disability Hearing?

The social security disability hearing is where everything flips in your favor. Through the application process and the request for reconsideration, statistics indicate that you will likely be denied. However, at the hearing level, statistics show a much better chance of winning an approval of benefits.

Matt Lewis Law, represents injured and disabled people and help people with work injuries pursue workers' compensation claims or sue their employer for damages. Matt Lewis Law help those who become disabled get social security disability in dallas texas. I also help people injured due to negligence obtain a recovery against those that caused their injuries.

At this stage, you get to talk to a judge and explain how your physical and mental conditions affect your everyday life, and how your functional disabilities limit your ability to work. This will be done through your testimony. The judge and your lawyer will have a chance to ask you questions that will allow you to tell your story. This is the most important part of the hearing.

Matt Lewis Law is a Board Certified in Workers' Compensation Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Matt Lewis Law have been named a Texas Super Lawyer by Texas Monthly. The National Trial Lawyers have named me a Top 100 attorney in Texas. I was also named a Top 10 personal injury attorney in Texas by the National Academy of Personal Injury Attorneys.

Prepare your mind for this day. Remember not to exaggerate your symptoms. Be honest when you answer questions. Read your medical records and know what’s there. In addition to your medical issues, expect the judge to ask you about things you do, where you go, and how you take care of your family.

The social security disability hearing is a legal hearing. There is a real judge. You have a lot at stake. And you have the right to have an attorney there with you.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Matt Lewis Law - Worker Compensation Claim In Dallas Texas

Dallas Law Firm Helps Texans Pursue Workers Comp Claims

Counseling employees who have been injured at work

In Texas, workers compensation is a state-regulated insurance program that provides compensation for medical costs and lost income to employees who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. Texas employers aren’t required to carry workers’ comp coverage for their employees, but they are required to notify you if they don’t.
If you have been injured at work or contracted a job-related illness, you should consult a lawyer who can guide you through the process of obtaining compensation. The attorneys at Matt Lewis Law, P.C. are experienced in all phases of the Texas workers compensation process.

Handling all aspects of workers comp claims in Texas

Your injuries may be covered by workers’ comp if you were hurt at work. Workers compensation insurance is meant to provide employees with money for medical costs and lost income after a job-related injury or illness. In Texas, companies are not required subscribe to workers comp insurance.
The Division of Workers Compensation (DWC) of the Texas Department of Insurance administers the claims process, which can be complicated. Our attorneys are experienced at filing clients’ claims as well as navigating other aspects of the process, including:
  • Temporary income benefits
  • Lifetime income benefits
  • Impairment rating disputes
  • Appeals of DWC rulings
  • Impairment benefits
  • Denied claims
  • Disputes over extent of injury
  • Recoupment of reduced benefits
We also defend claimants against insurance company appeals. Matthew B. Lewis is certified as a workers compensation attorney by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He practices in all areas of Texas work injury law.

Texas provides important benefits to some injured workers

Not all companies subscribe to workers compensation insurance. If you are injured while working for a non-subscriber, you may have legal options under Texas personal injury law. If you are hurt or fall ill while working for a company that is insured, you may be entitled to:
  • Income benefits — Through the program, you may receive supplemental income to replace wages lost during your job-related injury or illness.
  • Medical benefits — Texas workers comp insurance pays for necessary medical treatment after a work-related injury or illness.
  • Burial benefits — The funeral expenses of a family member killed on the job may be reimbursed under this program.
  • Death benefits — The family of someone who dies as a result of a work-related injury or illness may receive compensation for lost family income.
Speak to our attorneys about the Texas Workers Comp claims process to understand more about the options available to you.

Contact us for a free consultation about workers comp claims

You may have legal options after a workplace injury, regardless of whether your company carries workers comp insurance. The attorneys at Matt Lewis Law, P.C. understand the uncertainty many people feel after a work injury. We ease the process. Contact us at 972-961-4467 or online for a free initial consultation.